April 22, 2015

Books to read and listen

Now that my nine-year-old needs to read 50 minutes every day, I find myself reading aloud with him more than reading by myself. Not that I have any problems rereading Harry Potter, especially now that he is on my favorite of the series, The Half-Blood Prince. But I'm not making much progress on The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison, which I'm enjoying whenever I'm not too tired to read.

The major dent on my to-read pile is being made during my new hour-long commutes. I fell in love with narrated books, great company on the boring highway drives. I started with Marking Time by April White, which I already gushed about on my last book post. I've waded my way through classics like The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights by James Knowles (which I wouldn't have managed to read) and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (which I'm glad I didn't read until I was old enough to appreciate it). Interestingly, my desire to try Dickens was because I loved Artful by Peter Davis, a vampire-infested sequel to Oliver Twist.

The Sleeping Beauty by C.S. Evans was cute, but I still prefer the Disney version where the prince gets to earn his bride. I had heard so much about The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer that I was eager to read Cinder. It was fun and ingenious in its fairy tale adaptation, but I didn't feel compelled to devour the series in a single gulp. I might get back to it in the future. Today I started listening to Soulless by Gail Carriger, another book I've been meaning to read for years.

Thanks for stopping by!

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